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Emergency Plumber NYC

What is the Safe Way to Clear a Clogged Drain in NYC?

Whether a sink, toilet, or shower, a clogged drain is an inevitable consequence of using water in a home. Even the most diligent people end up with food or hair down their drains. What does one do in a situation like this?

Because of clever marketing, chemical drain cleaners are often the first thing homeowners/renters reach when water refuses to go down. Using the best plumber NYC is an ideal means of treating a clog, but the promise in the commercial or on the container of a drain cleaner promises a lot, but what most people come to realize is that the language was over-the-top and not completely true. It is not lying, but the advertising is deceptive in presenting itself as a total cure. Because of these toxic cleaners, it is not uncommon for homeowners to reach out for emergency plumbing NYC after a bad experience with chemicals.

Emergency plumber in NYC

Chemical Drain Cleaners:

  • Only work on organic materials, which means it does not work on plastic, metal, or other difficult materials
  • Can cause damage to plastic and PVC pipes
  • Are toxic and harmful to human health and skin (can ruin clothing)
  • End up in the water main, which can contaminate public water

There are safer at-home methods of clearing a clog, such as baking soda, distilled vinegar, and hot water, but even those methods are not fool-proof. Hiring a plumber in New York City is the best way to clear clogged drains while avoiding creating extra damage and a huge mess. Reach out for the best plumber NYC has today!

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