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How to Minimize the Amount of Water Wasted Each Year

Did you know that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that an average household wastes over 9,000 gallons of water every year? When you consider the total number of homes in this country, the amount of water wasted annually becomes a staggeringly high number. The higher the numbers climb, the worse it is for the environment and monthly/annual water bills.

Each homeowner should feel compelled to do things (both big and small) to reduce water waste. What can one home do to fight global warming and wasted water?

  1. The easiest thing to do is be conscious of when you are using water and for how long. For instance, when a person brushes their teeth, they should not let the water run. The EPA estimates a household can save up to 8 gallons of water a day by doing this.
  2. Audit your plumbing system to catch and prevent leaks. All plumbing systems wear out with age and use. As a result of this inevitability, leaks begin to happen. Worn-out washers, old pipe joints, and corroded pipes are all common problems most homeowners experience at some point or another. Reaching out for the best Plumber NYC has to offer can end up saving you much money over the years.
  3. A plumber in NYC can also help you update old, wasteful appliances. New, energy-efficient toilets and faucets are designed to keep water pressure intact while reducing the amount of water used.
  4. Waiting on problems or upgrades often leads to unfortunate plumbing situations. When you notice a problem, any at all, reach out for help so you can avoid needing an emergency plumber NYC.

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